Who We Are
Monkey Butt Cloth Diaper Service was founded by a husband and wife who believe in the benefits of cloth diapering for families, the earth and your wallet. They were fortunate to have the opportunity to use a cloth diaper service and feel it is not a luxury, but a necessity for many busy families.
Cloth diapering allows natural fibers to touch baby’s skin, instead of synthetic fibers and chemicals. Our service cares for the logistics of the cleaning of the diapers, leaving families more time to focus on their growth and bonding. Monkey Butt strives to provide convenience while incorporating best practices for the environment, the baby, and the family.
Schedule a demo with us today!

A message to fathers:
Being a father myself, I know first hand the fear that comes with those two little words, “cloth diapers.” Immediately I had visions of scrubbing diapers up and down a corrugated board as I knelt in front of the toilet. To this day I can hear my wife’s voice saying “just try it for 30 days, anyone can do anything for 30 days.”
So I found a cloth diaper service in Atlanta and at first it was a little awkward trying to master my diaper origami skills. Of course she made it look easy but after a week I was doing it in the dark in the middle of the night. Now, I pre-fold two or three cloth diapers before I go to bed so they are ready. (You would think that this plan is common sense but it took me a few months to figure that trick out.) Also I found out that I don’t have to wash them or even clean them off in the toilet. You just let any solids roll off into the toilet, wad it up and throw it in the hamper, no mess, no stinky trashcan in the kitchen or bedroom it was great.
As time went on I found the few times we have had to use disposable (it will happen to you too) they were much more difficult then the cloth diapers I had been used too. The tabs would pull off or rip, my child would sweat and get a rash and if my daughter spilled a cup of water while drinking (or playing) a diaper would be wasted.
Knowing all this now I probably wouldn’t have put up such a fight. But I never would have thought, I’d be the one taking and washing the diapers…
If my wife buys me a corrugated board I’m going to…